Award-winning and New York Times best-selling author Brendan Kiely starts a conversation with white kids about race in this accessible introduction to white privilege and why allyship is so vital.
Talking about racism can be hard, but....
Many kids of color grow up talking about racism. They have “The Talk” with their families - the honest talk about survival in a racist world.
But white kids don’t. They’re barely spoken to about race at all - and that needs to change. Because not talking about racism doesn’t make it go away. Not talking about white privilege doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Prestigious. Powerful. Privileged. This is Fullbrook Academy, an elite prep school where history looms in the leafy branches over its brick walkways. But some traditions upheld in its hallowed halls are profoundly dangerous.
Hendrix and Corrina steal a car, kidnap his grandfather, and set off on a cross-country odyssey to discover for themselves if what his grandfather always says is true—that the only stories that last are love stories.
Two teens—one black, one white—grapple with the repercussions of a single violent act that leaves their school, their community, and, ultimately, the country bitterly divided by racial tension.
As sixteen-year-old Aidan Donovan’s fractured family disintegrates around him, he searches for solace in a few bumps of Adderall, his father’s wet bar, and the attentions of his local priest, Father Greg— the only adult who actually listens to him.
"...for me, writing fiction is an act of social engagement.
I want my work to participate in relevant cultural conversations"

When I write, I strive to create vivid, memorable dreams, and for me the dreams I appreciate most are the ones that help me reflect on what it means to be a human being in my society today--dreams that ask the oldest and most important questions--who am I and what am I supposed to do now?